Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mosquito Bite Gone Bad

On Sunday while Michael was in the garage helping me with the laundry a mosquito bit him on the eyelid. It didn't seem to bother him so I didn't give it much thought until he woke up on Monday morning with a swollen eye. Poor baby! As you can see from the picture it looked just awful. Fortunately it wasn't itching him. Still, it made me nervous so I called the pediatrician to see what they recommended I give him to help with the swelling. To my surprise they asked us to come in. So, off to Dr. we went yesterday. Turns out a kid came in the week before with a bite on the eye and it got infected. They just wanted to double check that Michael was okay which was fine with me. Better safe than sorry. He's on an antihistamine for the next few days and already today it looks much better. Stupid mosquitoes!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Piano Man

The minute we moved the piano into the house Michael has been drawn to it. He loves tickling those ivories. A couple of months ago he enjoyed standing at the piano and reaching up to play some music. Now he insists on sitting on the bench and playing it properly. I'm hoping for a music scholarship in the future.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Puppy Love

Bella's boyfriend lives two houses down from us. They are crazy for each other. It's not uncommon for me to find Woodford sitting at our front door looking for Bella. Bella is no better. Anytime she is out front playing she's always checking out Woodford's house to see if he's around. Thankfully Woodford comes from a good home because I don't think anything can keep these two apart.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

So Long Highchair

A few weeks ago Michael started to climb out of his highchair. No matter what I did I just could not keep him strapped in it. So, I switched him to a booster seat. He seems to enjoy this much better and it locks him in much tighter making an escape impossible. So, this past weekend we disassembled the highchair and stored it away for later use. I say good riddance! That thing has so many nooks and crannies that food was constantly getting trapped in it.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Michael had two firsts today. During his bath tonight I spotted a floaty. That's right, Michael pooped in the bathtub. It guess it was going to happen sooner or later. That resulted in his other first....a shower. The tub was taking way too long to drain and Michael was soapy so I took him to the other bathroom that has a shower only. At first he was a little freaked out standing in the shower all by himself. He soon got over that when I jumped in with him. We had fun jumping in and out of the water stream. Wish I could have gotten a pic of him in the shower, but I had my hands full!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Not a day goes by that Michael's snack cup doesn't get refilled with Cheerios. You'd think he'd get tired of them, but nope he loves them. Bella loves them too! For every cheerio that Michael gets in his mouth, about 10 hit the floor. Thank goodness Bella is always a foot behind to hoover them up. Today I caugh Michael hiding some for later in a decorative box of mine. Seems Bella made the discovery too.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

First Fort

Today Michael built his first fort (with a little help from Daddy). I'm sure it'll be the first of many. I'm not sure who was more excited- Michael, Daddy, or Bella!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Monkeying Around

Earlier this week I walked into the kitchen to a big surprise. Michael was standing on top of the kitchen table! I was stunned to see him standing there. He turned to look at me with a huge smile on his face. I was so shocked and got him off the table along with a stern 'no'. I know I should have been angry, but it was so funny. Luckily I was able to hide my giggling from him. He figured out how to use the chairs as a stepping stool so they have since been moved to the hall out of his reach. Michael really is my little monkey.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Starting a Blog!

Okay, lets see if I can keep up with this. My main objective of starting this is to document the days and weeks of our lives so that we can one day look back. Time goes by so quickly that I want to make sure and remember as much as I can. So, here goes....

Michael is now almost 14 months old (3 days shy) and such a joy. He has 12 teeth already and is running around all day long. He still takes two daily naps (yay!) and sleeps through the night in 12 hour stretches. It's all table food now. He typically will not eat anything he cannot feed himself. Such a big boy!